The new series, Legacy, brings to light the adventures and lives of the children of the original Destroyer, Remo Williams. Stone Smith and his half sister Freya Williams have been up to a lot since being sent to the tribal lands of the Sunonjo tribe where they have been raised by their grandfather while their father fought to keep the world safer. Now it is their turn. Filled with action, humor and a large dose of good old-fashioned sibling rivalry, this new addition to the Destroyer family of books is great entertainment for all ages, including the young adults of the world.
It’s not very often you get a chance to get in at the beginning of a craze. This is a brand new release from the publishers of the Destroyer Series of action adventure novels. All new characters and adventures are introduced in this initial story in the first spin-off series. Destroyer creator and author Warren Murphy has teamed with long time Destroyer fan Gerald (Jerry) Welch. Welch is also an accomplished artist and successful author in his own right.
Legacy, Book 1: Forgotten Son: This book begins the series which will highlight the adventures of Freya Williams and her half-brother Stone Smith. Contacted by a secret government agency, Stone is asked to look into some illegal contraband and border crossing issues. Younger sister Freya becomes a tag along on the mission- much to Stone’s displeasure- and the action ensues. Currently it is available in both print and digital editions and can be found at your favorite online retailers.
I loved the first two books in the Legacy series! When do you think we might be able to see some more? I’m ready to place my pre-order right now!![:)]()
I hope the legacy series can keep up with the destroyer series.
will there be a follow on to killing fields as it was left up in the air With Thanks Rick.
When is book 3 coming out.
Really enjoying the Legacy series. Please teach the infidel Audible narrator how to pronounce Sinanju.
I would like to purchase Legacy series: all 4 in softcovers
Forgotten Son
The Killing Fields
Trial & Error
I understand they were all self published. Can I buy all 4?
If so, what is cosy including S&H?